Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Beginning

So can you really earn big money online?
This is the very 1st post (of hopefully many) in a completely honest research based blog.
We've all heard it, 'get rich quick', 'By spending a tiny amount on this never before seen system, you'll be earning thousands every week' blah blah blah. I've tried all these system's and schemes, bought and downloaded all the eBooks, including one automated eBook website!
The Mission
-I will build a highly profitable website that more than replaces my wages. 
I currently earn about £32,000 ($53,000) a year, Yes i know thats a great deal of money and believe me i know how lucky i am to have a well paid job in todays climate, But i work all the hours god sends and it takes me away from my family most of the time.
-I will build a website that offers free impartial advice about making money online.
The aim is to build the website (for which i have already a domain name in mind) using a content management sortware (I have no HTML knowledge at all) from an online company. I'll post the URL when i start using it.
-I will build the traffic to the site to 1,000,000 hits a month.
I know i know, a huge figure. I've no idea how i came up with this figure, acutally if i'm honest (And i said i would be) I thought if i could get a million hits a month it would definately make enough money. Think about it... Over 30,000 unique hits a day! 
-I will turn the traffic into cash
By having all my advice and information available on my site for free I won't have any products or shopping cart, so the only way of making money from hits is to monetize the site. Monetizing is essentially adding adverts to the site in which you earn revenue back, for example Google's Adsense, the same as on Blogger.
-How will i do this?
Not entirely sure... That's what this blog and my website (when its up and running) will be all about.
Social Networking will be a huge factor to this. I plan to use sites like Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, YouTube, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit to gain as many friends, followers and ratings to increase the likely-hood of back links self promotion and click throughs.
By adding good honest content for free, with RSS feeds, and social networking tabs (icons for Stumbleupon, Digg etc) Newsletter subscribe's, Comment boxes. Continually add content in which people will read, re-read and share.
So where are we on this journey?
Social Networking - Facebook, Twitter, Hi5, Myspace, Digg, StumbleUpon, YouTube
Hits so far (13th September 2009) 0 Hits, 0 Followers! Couldn't be more of a start really!
So the plan?
Add content to my blogger sites daily until mid December. Then i will work on my website with building the content. Once i have built the site to have around 50 articles and or pages whichever i feel is more content rich. I will continue to blog on Blogger, and the site, but will then shift my focus onto social networking and link distributing.
I'm aiming for this time next year to start seeing regular income, and hopefully well on the way to be recieving a million hits a month.
A lot of work and one hell of a journey, but one, which i hope, you will follow.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the project. If you want some inspiration try looking at John Chow's website (just Google him). He has a blog and earns $40,000 a month from his blog. Perhaps he was the one who inspired you.
